Sunday, April 30, 2017

Answered Prayer..

After rejections from several industries/institutions, it made me think it's impossible to find an industry here in Ilocos Norte for our immersion. We applied to several industries/institutions in the private and public sectors. To some, immersion is new to them and lack of guidelines to such feared them that they can’t provide the right competencies we need for the immersion.

For a while, I thought we have nowhere to apply for immersion until we sat down and made a new list of possible government sectors. We applied at the city government of Batac. During that time the City Mayor is out of town and the HR department endorsed our applications to the OIC and advised us to follow it up the next day.

While our classmates are having already their immersion in their respective company, our faith was being tested in applying for immersion. As we wait for the response of the city government of Batac, we decided to apply at the National Tobacco Administration (NTA) located in the City of Batac still even though we have doubts how we may be able to align it to IT if we are going to stay there. As we went to NTA, we were able to meet the OIC and some personnel at the agency. To our surprise, the people there are very accommodating and amazingly, there’s a lot of potential researchable areas where IT can be applied.

Thank you to the personnel of NTA for giving us the opportunity to be immersed at their agency. Luckily, we will start our immersion on May 2, 2017. Hope that we could live up to their expectations and expect that we will learn a lot from them.

The hardships that we faced is nothing compared to the knowledge that awaits us at NTA that were made it possible through determination. Really, God answers prayer……


  1. Welcome to NTA, Sir. We'll have a reciprocating relationship: you'll learn from us, we'll learn from you, 50:50 ;) ;) ;)
